Individual Counselling
Session time : 50 Minutes
Cost : £45 Per session
£25 Initial Session
Life can be difficult, and sometimes what we need most of all is space and time to explore the challenges. Even when we have good relationships with friends and family, it can be easier to talk to someone with whom there is a little objective distance.
Many people come to counselling because they have noticed a feeling of being ‘stuck’. This might be a pattern of behaviour that they would like to change, or a cycle of negative thinking that is hard to break. Some people come with specific goals or things in mind, but for others there isn’t anything in particular they can pinpoint. A great many people seek counselling for issues like anxiety or depression, but for some it is a more general feeling of unease or dissatisfaction. It can be that the past haunts us, and the future seems uncertain or bleak. Relationships with others can be complicated: we feel misunderstood or find communication hard.
Increasingly people are drawn to counselling not for any ‘negative’ reason but simply because they wish to gain a better understanding of themselves, and find reflecting on life to be a fascinating experience. All of these approaches are fine!
During our initial sessions we will explore what’s not working in your life and what you most long for. While working together we may experience sadness, anxiety or stress, but we may also find ourselves laughing; humour can be a very important part of the healing process.
I will help you to discover tools and resources deep within that may have been forgotten or lost along the way. I will also help you to create new internal resources to enrich your life. Throughout our work together, I will be accepting and open. I will always seek to understand – and help you to understand – what is really going on for you, enriching your insight into your own inner world and your outer life.